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  • Post category:Pets
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Have you ever struggled in vain to capture your dog’s attention or are struggling with Common dog behavior issues?

Brain training is an incredibly effective method for improving your dog’s focus and responsiveness. By engaging your dog in mental exercises and puzzles, you can sharpen their ability to concentrate and follow commands. These activities not only challenge your dog’s mind but also help reduce boredom and anxiety, making them more attentive and eager to please.

Once you learn to unlock your dog’s natural intelligence you will be amazed at how quickly problem behaviors disappear and your dog starts to obey you!

Teach your dog to stack rings

Brain Training for Dogs course

The Brain Training for Dogs course is developed by Adrienne Farricelli, who is a professional CPDT-KA certified dog trainer, and for the last 10 years have been helping people to eliminate bad behaviors in dogs and train well behaved, obedient, loving pets…by showing them how to bring out the ‘hidden intelligence’ inside their dog.

The course contains 21 fantastic games you can play with your dog to improve his intelligence, obedience, and behavior. It also contains
simple guides for teaching basic obedience commands, as well as many tips and secrets Adrienne have picked up over her years of experience working as a professional dog trainer.

See the following vides of Adrienne playing some of the games from the Brain Training for with her own dog Einstein:

The Airplane Game (free e-book)

The Airplane Game is one of the 21 games included in the course.

This fun brain game will train your dog to associate looking into your eyes with receiving a treat, as if by magic. Whether you have a puppy, an adult dog, or a rescue, this game is an excellent way to strengthen your bond and help your dog see you as a source of rewards and joy. It also enhances your dog’s ability to focus on you, even in the presence of distractions.

You can download the e-book for this game for free by clicking on the image below.

See the video below for a demonstration of the final exam in the airplane game:

Click the banner below or this link for more in-depth details about the science behind the training system and the 7 modules included in the course, which take your dog all the way from preschool to graduation, and finally to the genius level.